Mission |Belong. Believe. Become.

As the Body of Christ

  • We Belong to God and extend His love to everyone
  • We Believe in Jesus for new life and growth as we follow Him
  • We are Becoming a people of love, hope, and service

We Belong.

The greatest need of today's disconnected world is to belong, to feel you are valued and wanted. Our church family places utmost importance on belonging to God (Romans 1:6, 14:8). As we are connected to God through genuine faith in Jesus Christ, we extend His love to all. For faith to take hold and grow, everyone first needs to know that they matter. You matter to Jesus and you matter to us!

We Believe.

Our Faith is centered on the life changing sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His death and resurrection have paved the way for a relationship with our loving Creator. Believing involves more than a simple consent, but a deep commitment to know and follow Christ (John 6:35, 14:12). He is our source of truth, of forgiveness and positive change.

We Become.

We have not arrived, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are being transformed to be more like Jesus every day. This doesn't just apply to us individually, but corporately as well. Together we are becoming a people of God who reflect his presence and character through our love, hope and outward expressions.